On this last day of June, the month when fathers around the globe are recognised for the role they play in shaping their children’s lives, we catch up with fathers who work directly and indirectly within the tourism industry.
• Edmund Bartlett speaks of the impact his daughter Lisa Simone’s death has had on his role as minister of tourism and on his son Edmund II;
• Jamaica Tourist Board’s Director of Tourism Donovan White explains how learning to listen to his children has helped him professionally;

• Tourism Enhancement Fund Executive Director Dr Carey Wallace looks at how men who become fathers early in life have to adapt as their children mature; and also touches on entrepreneurial opportunities in the tourism sector;
• Ministry of Tourism Chief Technical Director David Dobson comes out strongly on the need for new fathers to take time off from work to be with their newborn and support the child’s mother;
• Executive chef at the Eclipse at Half Moon’s award-winning Delmare restaurant, Claudio Facchinetti, recounts challenges on his first day out alone with his son Liam;
• The Port Authority of Jamaica’s ship mate Deino Campbell tells of his dream that his son Caleb will continue the family tradition of a life on the high seas, hopefully at the helm of a cruise ship or luxury yacht.