862 & COUNTING cruise jobs for Barbados

by Oct 10, 2022Uncategorized

Almost 900 people in Barbados received job offers coming out of a recent Royal Caribbean Group job fair and Princess Cruises recruitment sessions.

“Of the 862 persons that received job offers, 70 of them have departed Barbados to take up positions on ships from US and Europe. Within the next eight months we expect the number of persons to receive job assignments to increase, as we host recruitment events throughout the rest of the year and into 2023,” said Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc (BTMI) Senior Business Development Officer in the Cruise Department, Tia Broomes.

“The recent success of the Royal Caribbean Group job fair and the Princess Cruises recruitment sessions with Seven Seas Group have opened the door for the group to continue to host recruitment sessions on a monthly basis,” she said. 

Broomes encouraged persons interested in working on cruise ships to keep a keen eye on the BTMI’s social media platforms for announcements and dates of any upcoming recruitment sessions.

Cruise development continues to be a major focus for Barbados and BTMI is working to ensure the successful development of the industry. In a move to establish a strong cruise presence in Miami and foster closer relationships with cruise partners, an expanded office in Miami was established. This gives Barbados greater access to the cruise centre of the world and enables further collaboration with international cruise partners and Barbados’ external agencies in North America.


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