Sangster International Airport’s (SIA) successful reduction of its carbon emissions has earned it Level 2 certification in the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) programme.
The SIA, which is operated by MBJ Airports Limited, reduced its carbon emissions from sources owned and under its direct control for the 2021 period compared with 2019 — the base year for pre-pandemic emissions.

This marks another significant milestone related to MBJ’s environmental consciousness on the global issues of carbon emissions and climate change. In 2021, it achieved the goal of Level 1 certification after mapping and quantifying its carbon emissions for its 2019 operations. Level 2 certification signals the airport’s commitment to reduce its carbon emission in keeping with aviation sustainability goals.
Emissions reduction for 2021 was achieved, quite notably, through projects related to renewables implementation, specifically with installation of a one megawatt ac roof-mounted solar voltaic plant. MBJ is on course to complete the installation of another plant in one of its parking lots in 2023. The latest installation will increase its renewables electricity generation to a total of 3.2 megawatts. The installation is aimed at further reducing the airport’s carbon footprint.