The world’s first female Master Blender, Dr Joy Spence, has achieved yet another first in her...
SCUBA GENIE: Nickardo Dennis
by LTC Writer
Nickardo Dennis has always loved being in the water. No surprise, then, that he became a dive instructor....
Legendary: John Bell lauded
by LTC Writer
John Bell, the first Executive Director of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), has been...
Bartlett makes global travel hall of fame
by LTC Writer
In a first for the Caribbean, Jamaica’s Minster of Tourism Edmund Bartlett has been inducted into the Global...
St Elizabeth’s treasure: THE HENZELL SIBLINGS
Building on two generations of work that’s made Treasure Beach world famous, the Henzell siblings, Jason and...
Mother-son trailblazing duo at Beaches Negril
by LTC Writer
On a typical workday at the all-inclusive, family-friendly Beaches Negril resort, Maxine Hamilton-Whyte and...
VIP sisters keep it professional
They travel to and from work together, happily chatting away as sisters do. But once Jullian and Peta Gay...
Tourism Links: Craft vendors benefit from SRI’s artisan project
Many years ago, executives at Sandals Resorts International (SRI) opened their doors to local craft men and...
WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE: Blue Mahoe’s Taneisha
After 15 years of working in the hospitality industry as a bartender and waitress, it's no surprise that...
Tenacious Tennille
by LTC Writer
Loyalty & travel consultant Tennille Rowe has only been a part of the Sandals South Coast family for...